Hanno av Thorarinn 12 Times (BIR) Best in Breed
puppy 6 months old in diferent country.
Congratulation to owner Paivi
Olivia vom Zidena and Dirty Harry av Thorarinn achieve
their IPO1 ~ Congratulations Tonje and Frøydis
Hedmarken German Show
Judge Morten Nilsen
VV1 9-12 Months Gaius av Thorarinn
VV1 9-12 Months Gblue av Thorarinn
VV1 9-12 Months Gaya av Thorarinn
Sweden Sieger Show 2017 Results
LSH Siegerin 9-12 Months
Gaya av Thorainn
VV3 9-12 Months
Gaius av Thorarinn
July 2017
New photos of Olivia vom Zidena
We are very pleased to announce that Olivia vom Zidena now has her working title BHP
Sarpsborg / Norway
6-9 months VV1 & Best Puppy (BIR)
Gaya av Thorarinn
24 months NR 1 & Best dog (BIR)
Brage av Thorarinn
Judge freddy Cristensen